pondělí, června 25, 2007

Wendy`s baptism

Sorry that it took so long. I have problems with internet conection nowadays.
Here are promised pictures.

We had a nice reading, prayers, and finaly baptims.


Some facts on the girl named Wendy:

She met Tomas B. at squaredance club and she came to the church. She comes to our congragation for over three months now. She studied with Tom, and she made her decision to accept Jesus as her Lord. Halleujah.
Wendy is her nickname, real name is Lenka.

Pray for her as she grows in the Lord.

neděle, června 17, 2007

Lord`s supper


Tomas got an idea to remind us of how it used to be in the first century at the Lord`s supper. So instead of having just a quick reminder of Lord`s death, we had feast like this. With all the reminder anyway. So we had unleavened bread, fruit of wine, grapes.
It was nice.

Would you like it?

Here is a slideshow of pictures taken on that day.


This Wednesday: Baptism

Its so nice to announce this:

This Wednesday June 20th, 2007 Wendy was to be baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus. We are all so excited.

Wendy is a young lady that started to attend our group about two month ago or so. She met with Tomas Benkovic one day while square dancing. She felt like coming to our group could be beneficial to her. As time went she studied with Tomas, she foung out about all the people in the church that they are all fine. And finaly, that we are all saved my grace of our Lord. So made her decision and this Wednesday she will be baptised in His name.

I`ll definatelly bring you latest update on Thursday. Pray for Wendy.

Pictures will come.



sobota, června 02, 2007

Affirmations for renewing of the mind:

I am transformed by the renewing of my mind.

I think of the things which are pure, noble, and worthy of love.

Realization of the truth of my being sets me free, in my mind and in all of my affairs.

The whole world responds to mental pictures which I hold in my consciousness.

Thought by thought, I change my life.