Advent means expectation of Christ the child to come into our lives.
Here are pictures of advent candles.
pondělí, prosince 25, 2006
středa, prosince 13, 2006
Morning by morning

[Morning By Morning - he wakens my ear to listen as those who are taught]
Romans 8: 2
Dear friends,
Good morning! Hey, we missed something back there, Paul; what did you say?
2For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death
What's this "law of the Spirit of life"?
I know what he means by the "law of sin and death." He means religion as this grinding slog where we try to get to heaven by following the ten commandments and their various elaborations. Paul took us aside for all of chapters 6 and 7 to deal with the mess sin makes of God's holy law, showing us that being determined to obey it all out of our own strength is just hopeless. But what is the law of the Spirit of life?
Earlier when we were listening to chapter 5, we heard him speak of the reign of grace, and this is much the same thing. Struggling to improve ourselves enough that we no longer covet and we discard every idol and we speak with pure speech and we revel in the rest of the sabbath and so on makes us look like this:
Careful! You're tilting!
Something has happened to Paul, something he shared with thousands of people through his teaching and witnessing and now has shared with more than a billion of us through his writing. He has welcomed Jesus as savior and Lord, and what that has produced is a whole new relationship with God and God's will. That produces a whole different kind of lifting. Like this:
At first I thought that "the law of Spirit and life" was just a bit of bad writing. Ok, so sometimes I'm not too bright. Now I'm seeing that Paul wants us to understand that life in the Spirit has its own order, its own law. Grace isn't chaotic; neither is grace self-indulgent. Life in the Spirit includes and even rejoices in moral strength and decent order. Those are huge gifts. How the Holy Spirit comes and helps us to live in His order, free from condemnation, is the great subject to which Paul now turns in this immensely conceived chapter.
Copyright ©Jeff Black -
Scripture taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Jan Dadák
Tel: +420 530 334 630
Mobil: +420 731 576 030
pondělí, prosince 04, 2006
New gallery
by coffeelover11
Well, we had a party. It was Halušky party. And it was nice. You missed a lot if you weren`t here.
pondělí, listopadu 27, 2006
Affirmations for living in the present:
I focus on what is before me to do.
I use my time wisely.
I have enough time to accomplish all I need with ease and efficiency.
I am willing to be happy now, right where I am.
Now I face the present and the future wise, secure, and unafraid.
I use my time wisely.
I have enough time to accomplish all I need with ease and efficiency.
I am willing to be happy now, right where I am.
Now I face the present and the future wise, secure, and unafraid.
čtvrtek, listopadu 02, 2006
Greetings from Brno

Greetings to you all from Brno. Here is a picture of the congregation in Brno.
And Here is a gallery of each individual in the church.
Hope you`ll like it.

pátek, října 27, 2006
Affirmations for divine order:
There is infinite power within me which guides and protects me.
Divine order directs all my experiences.
I see value of every aspect of my being.
I freely release old thought patterns. I am free to accept change.
I live in the world which fits me perfectly, and the world into which I fit perfectly.
Divine order directs all my experiences.
I see value of every aspect of my being.
I freely release old thought patterns. I am free to accept change.
I live in the world which fits me perfectly, and the world into which I fit perfectly.
pátek, října 20, 2006
brand new picture of Delta
sobota, září 30, 2006
pátek, září 29, 2006
Affirmations for new possibilities:
I see my world as a place of glorious possibilities.
I embrace each new beginning, putting aside any thoughts of fear or doubt.
I move forward toward the future with confidence.
My way is straight, and my steps are sure.
I great each day with an eager anticipation of new possibilities.
I embrace each new beginning, putting aside any thoughts of fear or doubt.
I move forward toward the future with confidence.
My way is straight, and my steps are sure.
I great each day with an eager anticipation of new possibilities.
úterý, září 26, 2006
Affirmations for life mission:
I joyfully embrace my mission in life as it is expressed through my work.
I search for ways to serve the world and people around me.
I courageously move toward the fulfillment of my mission.
In everything I do, I am empowered by the Spirit God.
I am well prepared for my right work.
I search for ways to serve the world and people around me.
I courageously move toward the fulfillment of my mission.
In everything I do, I am empowered by the Spirit God.
I am well prepared for my right work.
pátek, září 22, 2006
úterý, září 19, 2006
Affirmations for thinking:
The work of transformation is done within me.
All my thoughts contribute to my happiness and well-being.
I recognize and correct all limiting thoughts that stand on the way of my health and happiness.
I am able to retain and recall information easily and effortlessly.
I learn to control my destiny by controlling my thoughts.
All my thoughts contribute to my happiness and well-being.
I recognize and correct all limiting thoughts that stand on the way of my health and happiness.
I am able to retain and recall information easily and effortlessly.
I learn to control my destiny by controlling my thoughts.
neděle, září 17, 2006
New activities:
Finaly, after over one year period we managed to renew our regular activities.
We started to meet again on regular basis for:
Wednesday evening 7:00 p.m. Prayers and encouragement
Sunday school 9:00 a.m. Sunday School
Sunday worship 10:00
The last one has always taken place at our church, just a reminder that we do meet even in this time. Feel free to come, and pray for us. We need to grow.
We started to meet again on regular basis for:
Wednesday evening 7:00 p.m. Prayers and encouragement
Sunday school 9:00 a.m. Sunday School
Sunday worship 10:00
The last one has always taken place at our church, just a reminder that we do meet even in this time. Feel free to come, and pray for us. We need to grow.
Affirmations for love:
I am created to give love, and to be love.
I let love to take place in my heart.
Love leads me to greater joy and peace, faith, confidence, and fulfillment.
I deny appearances which are out of harmony with the true spirit of love.
I relax in the realization of pure and unconditional divine love.
More about today`s quote you can find here
I let love to take place in my heart.
Love leads me to greater joy and peace, faith, confidence, and fulfillment.
I deny appearances which are out of harmony with the true spirit of love.
I relax in the realization of pure and unconditional divine love.
More about today`s quote you can find here
středa, září 13, 2006
Retreat in Poland
by coffeelover11
Here are some(107) pictures from the church retreat in Poland.
by coffeelover11
Tasting there traditional beverage. It is good, but not as good as czech one.
by coffeelover11
Wave for you.
sobota, září 02, 2006
The Wisdom of God
The wisdom of god stretches from sea to sea and land to land,
The wisdom of God reaches out to anyone reaching out his hand,
The wisdom of God is found in the scriptures given for you,
The wisdom of God with be there in any experience to help you through,
The wisdom of God is not a secret for the educated and divine,
The wisdom of god is there for anyone who will give God the time,
The wisdom of God encourages, comforts, and guides me and you,
The wisdom of God is a special gift from a special God who loves you!
The wisdom of god stretches from sea to sea and land to land,
The wisdom of God reaches out to anyone reaching out his hand,
The wisdom of God is found in the scriptures given for you,
The wisdom of God with be there in any experience to help you through,
The wisdom of God is not a secret for the educated and divine,
The wisdom of god is there for anyone who will give God the time,
The wisdom of God encourages, comforts, and guides me and you,
The wisdom of God is a special gift from a special God who loves you!
pondělí, srpna 14, 2006
Suprises in reading
This afternoon, after I did a lot of work, I came to computer and read statistics about visiting this blog. I can tell you, I was surprised how this blog turns international.
I found visitors from:
Holland (I don`t know the city)
Atlanta (I know bunch of people there)
Prague (Oh, I know many people there)
Dubai (I know one guy from there, but I would be suprised if it were him)
Buenos Aires (I don`t know anyone from there yet)
and one location based upon IP address, but it couldn`t locate that anywhere on earth. Who could that be?
Anyway, nice to see that you all read it. Thank you for the faithfullness.
May God bless you all.
I found visitors from:
Holland (I don`t know the city)
Atlanta (I know bunch of people there)
Prague (Oh, I know many people there)
Dubai (I know one guy from there, but I would be suprised if it were him)
Buenos Aires (I don`t know anyone from there yet)
and one location based upon IP address, but it couldn`t locate that anywhere on earth. Who could that be?
Anyway, nice to see that you all read it. Thank you for the faithfullness.
May God bless you all.
neděle, srpna 13, 2006
summer has a huge impact
Hello you all,
today worship was somewhat special. We had a "huge" number of people in the church. We met at the number of 7 people. It was nice tough, but singing was little bit poor. Anyway I liked it.
All people that didn`t come were out of the room/ surprise :)
Darina went to Kosovo, Mirek, and Horsi didn`t come at all. I have no clue what happen, if they went out for a trip out of city or what, but they didn`t show up.
Anyway it is nice to know that we are all together, knowing that you are with us in the Spirit.
May God bless you, for we feel blessed. But we need prayers, Vitalij has a hard time at his work and he needs your prayer. We pray for Him.
In His name and service,
today worship was somewhat special. We had a "huge" number of people in the church. We met at the number of 7 people. It was nice tough, but singing was little bit poor. Anyway I liked it.
All people that didn`t come were out of the room/ surprise :)
Darina went to Kosovo, Mirek, and Horsi didn`t come at all. I have no clue what happen, if they went out for a trip out of city or what, but they didn`t show up.
Anyway it is nice to know that we are all together, knowing that you are with us in the Spirit.
May God bless you, for we feel blessed. But we need prayers, Vitalij has a hard time at his work and he needs your prayer. We pray for Him.
In His name and service,
neděle, srpna 06, 2006
Darina for Kosovo.
Darina went down to south to see her friends, and siblings in Christ in Kosovo. Pray for her trip.
We miss Darina, she is a good example to the church, and is active part in Brno church. She prepares Ladies breakfasts on regular basis, help to prepare the Lord supper, etc.
When she is not here, the body of Christ in Brno is feeling crypled.
Pray for Kosovo, and pray for Brno church. We need your prayers.
Thank you in the name of the Lord Jesus.
We miss Darina, she is a good example to the church, and is active part in Brno church. She prepares Ladies breakfasts on regular basis, help to prepare the Lord supper, etc.
When she is not here, the body of Christ in Brno is feeling crypled.
Pray for Kosovo, and pray for Brno church. We need your prayers.
Thank you in the name of the Lord Jesus.
neděle, července 30, 2006
Slow July
Hello guys,
July was kind of slow in Brno. All the month it is so hot here that we are glad to be alive. It is nice to see that people stay healthy, and keep coming. The only exception to attendance is vacation time.
Today`s worship service was the one I was in charge of the preaching for the third time. Unfortunately I didn`t preach today, I prepared a prayer service. We prayed for the peace in our life, and in the world.
We prayed for:
czech scene political parties to be able to come to a conclusion after June`s election.
Israeli and Lebanon situation.
Kosova situation and negotiations over Kosova independence
I will be happy to hear from anyone.
Have an ice summer.
July was kind of slow in Brno. All the month it is so hot here that we are glad to be alive. It is nice to see that people stay healthy, and keep coming. The only exception to attendance is vacation time.
Today`s worship service was the one I was in charge of the preaching for the third time. Unfortunately I didn`t preach today, I prepared a prayer service. We prayed for the peace in our life, and in the world.
We prayed for:
czech scene political parties to be able to come to a conclusion after June`s election.
Israeli and Lebanon situation.
Kosova situation and negotiations over Kosova independence
I will be happy to hear from anyone.
Have an ice summer.
sobota, července 01, 2006
Iva Strapcova`s wedding
čtvrtek, června 15, 2006
these words are awesome to me
Missions is not the ultimate goal o the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man. When this age is over, and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God, missions will be no more. It is a temporary necessity. But worship abides forever.
Let the Nations Be Glad, John Piper
I`ve got this from Jon Owen blog, and he got it from I think it was Amazon.
Let the Nations Be Glad, John Piper
I`ve got this from Jon Owen blog, and he got it from I think it was Amazon.
pátek, května 19, 2006
pátek, května 12, 2006
Sorry for delay
To all of you faithful readers of the blog sorry for not updating this blog last week or so. It was for a simple reason- I were out of city and therefore I could write reports how is the church doing. So.
Why I wasn`t at the church you can read here
This weekend we host a visitor- US missionary in Latvia. It might be interesting to meet him and share, encourage,etc. I will keep you updated.
And I`ll write more about the Sunday church- on Sunday.
May God bless you.
In His name,
Why I wasn`t at the church you can read here
This weekend we host a visitor- US missionary in Latvia. It might be interesting to meet him and share, encourage,etc. I will keep you updated.
And I`ll write more about the Sunday church- on Sunday.
May God bless you.
In His name,
pátek, dubna 28, 2006
Sunday lesson for last day of April
On the last day of April I volunteered to preach. There is a bunch of thoughts I need to go through but just in case you wonder what will be a theme here is a link to get inspired.
středa, dubna 26, 2006
Life is change
Wow, time goes so fast. Its already a Wednesday. I can`t believe time goes so fast.
I wanted to post a new article here on Sunday afternoon, but then I realized that whatever I write, it wouldn`t make much since, so I gave up. And here I am, half week later being surprised.
Last worship service was really nice, especially for the fact I could be there at the worship service too. You may know I work on some weekends. I am about to change it. My work contract is to expire at the and of the week, and I am glad for that. I would love to find a job where I don`t have to work on Sundays at all. I would like to do my best to start a Sunday school again. It would be cool.
As of looking for a new job- I have few options already:
Work as a freelance for T-Mobile as a sales manager, that might give me a lot of room in the timeframe of the day so I could accomplish what I hope for the church.
The other would be to work for one import-export company at a tax refunds office.
It might be well paid too. I`ll go to an interview tomorrow afternoon. Pray for me.
And finally I would love to focus as much as possible on teaching English and interpreting. It would be so cool.
As you see there is a lot things that change now. I hope God will bless the church so that all the change in my life can be for benefit of all the church.
I wanted to post a new article here on Sunday afternoon, but then I realized that whatever I write, it wouldn`t make much since, so I gave up. And here I am, half week later being surprised.
Last worship service was really nice, especially for the fact I could be there at the worship service too. You may know I work on some weekends. I am about to change it. My work contract is to expire at the and of the week, and I am glad for that. I would love to find a job where I don`t have to work on Sundays at all. I would like to do my best to start a Sunday school again. It would be cool.
As of looking for a new job- I have few options already:
Work as a freelance for T-Mobile as a sales manager, that might give me a lot of room in the timeframe of the day so I could accomplish what I hope for the church.
The other would be to work for one import-export company at a tax refunds office.
It might be well paid too. I`ll go to an interview tomorrow afternoon. Pray for me.
And finally I would love to focus as much as possible on teaching English and interpreting. It would be so cool.
As you see there is a lot things that change now. I hope God will bless the church so that all the change in my life can be for benefit of all the church.
pondělí, dubna 17, 2006
Easter traditions in CZ
You may be familiar with that, but for those of you who don`t, here is a story.
In the CZ we do not do an Easter egg hunt as in the USA, instead we do what is called whipping girls. It came from an old pagan custom that believed that with an upcoming spring each girl should be whipped with a fresh offspring of a willow tree. This was supposed to be a blessing to each girl as believed. Nowadays we don`t believe it, but we still stick to an old tradition.
So today my brother and I went out to whip girls. And what a blessing it was to go out in the building where the church gathers. It was a wonderfull chance to meet neighbours in the building and chat a bit. I feel very blessed as we did so.
Lets pray this will bring some more fruits then just fun at the Easter.
In the CZ we do not do an Easter egg hunt as in the USA, instead we do what is called whipping girls. It came from an old pagan custom that believed that with an upcoming spring each girl should be whipped with a fresh offspring of a willow tree. This was supposed to be a blessing to each girl as believed. Nowadays we don`t believe it, but we still stick to an old tradition.
So today my brother and I went out to whip girls. And what a blessing it was to go out in the building where the church gathers. It was a wonderfull chance to meet neighbours in the building and chat a bit. I feel very blessed as we did so.
Lets pray this will bring some more fruits then just fun at the Easter.
neděle, dubna 16, 2006
Easter fire

Light the fire
in my soul,
fan the flame
make me whole
these are the lyrics of one song that desribes the desire to serve and to be closer to God the Father.
Yesterday I had a chance to go to a worhip service where this fire was lit as a reminder of the light in soul of every individual. It was something special, so easter like. I like it.
I had a chance to meet few friends and to talk to them for a bit, and it was a worship service where I didn`t have a duty.
May God bless your easter time as He blessed mine.

pátek, dubna 07, 2006
Six new galleries
Hey you all,
after one week filled with various activities with children from Dagmar, and high school at Videnska, we are back to our daily duties. We are filled with nice experience how to serve God, and loaded with pictures as sweet reminder to our nice time together.
Here is a link that leads to six new galleries that I shot last week.
I hope you`ll enjoy it.
In Him,
after one week filled with various activities with children from Dagmar, and high school at Videnska, we are back to our daily duties. We are filled with nice experience how to serve God, and loaded with pictures as sweet reminder to our nice time together.
Here is a link that leads to six new galleries that I shot last week.
I hope you`ll enjoy it.
In Him,
neděle, dubna 02, 2006
Saturday trip to LEdnice

It was awesome time. It was nice weather, bus came on time, we`ve got there on time. and everybody was happy. We were blessed with discount at the castle, we paid half price for a visit. The easter hunt was successfull, all eggs were found too. Kids from childrens home were happy. Lets hope they will come to todays worship service.

sobota, února 11, 2006
Prague Church
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