neděle, srpna 13, 2006

summer has a huge impact

Hello you all,

today worship was somewhat special. We had a "huge" number of people in the church. We met at the number of 7 people. It was nice tough, but singing was little bit poor. Anyway I liked it.
All people that didn`t come were out of the room/ surprise :)
Darina went to Kosovo, Mirek, and Horsi didn`t come at all. I have no clue what happen, if they went out for a trip out of city or what, but they didn`t show up.

Anyway it is nice to know that we are all together, knowing that you are with us in the Spirit.

May God bless you, for we feel blessed. But we need prayers, Vitalij has a hard time at his work and he needs your prayer. We pray for Him.

In His name and service,

1 komentář:

Matt Elliott řekl(a)...

Let me know what's going on with Vitalij -- I'll certainly be praying for him, Honza.

Are you coming to see us later this year??