čtvrtek, ledna 17, 2008

6th Central European Retreat

Honza Dadak


----- Forwarded Message ----
6th Central European Retreat

Greetings in year 2008!
We hope you had a wonderful Holiday season and a good start in 2008. I would like to take this opportunity to let you know about the 2008 Central European Retreat.
Here are the basics:
WHERE - same place as in 2007 in Zaseka (www.zaseka.cz)
WHEN - start on Thursday, 4 September and end on Sunday 7 September 2008
SPACE - is limited and the registration starts NOW. We have the absolutelly final cut off registration date on 31 July 2008. Please spread the word among the brethren and plan to come.
SPEAKER - I am delighted to share with you all that brother Mladen Jovanovic from Zagren, Croatia accepted our invitation to be our speaker. We will confirm the topic in due time.
I hope this is enough of  foretaste for everyone to book the time in their calendar to come to the beautifull highlands of Moravia and spend 4 days in wonderful fellowship. Please feel free to forward this email. 
Matus & Melissa & Katka

Matus & Melissa Dedina
V Predpoli 28
100 00 Prague 10
Czech Republic
home # +420 272 730 674
Melissa's cell # +420 721 217 282
Matus' cell # +420 739 547 854

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